Saturday, April 14, 2007


My next three weeks are going to be jam packed with all sorts of wine-related fun!

First, Monday night I am going to Tria, my favorite wine bar in Philadelphia, to meet a lovely young lady for a glass or two.

Second, on April 20 I am going to the Evening with the Masters Wine Auction. I hope to enter a report of the night's festivities (and maybe enter a futile bid or two).

Then, on April 27, I am going to Philadelphia Wine Festival -- another great chance to meet people who enjoy wine and work in the industry, plus to sample some producers I have not yet tried.

Finally, on May 5, I am going to my next Tria Fermentation School on Alsatian Wines.

So, I have an unsually busy three weeks ahead of me -- and, hopefully, with plenty of new information to post!

1 comment:

JamieA said...

You used to call somebody else a "lovely young lady?" *glare*