Wednesday, January 2, 2008

News Year's Resolutions

It's 2008, so I'm making some New Year's Resolutions... and I'll come back next year to see how I did.

1. Post at least three times a week to the blog.

2. Go to a wine producing region outside the United States.

3. Try a varietal I have never had before (this one might be tough....).

4. Try to hold out one more year before opening the 1995 Cheval Blanc. Then again, I might panic... after all, it could be drinkable now!

5. Spend less on wine.

6. Start a Crushpad barrel. This one will probably violate # 5.


7. Share more wine with more people!

And for the record... I'm betting I'll only succeed on #s 3 and 7.

UPDATE: #3 was taken care of 5/17/2008.

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