Sunday, February 18, 2007

Elitism of wine.

The good professor raises the "sad commentary on the role of wine in American class warfare." The only sad thing about this commentary is that it's a role that the wine industry and the wine consumer class have self-imposed. I admit it -- I am very fortunate to have a significant income stream. However, even I look on a $1479 auction price for a 1999 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon as obscene. But never mind the higher end of the wine market -- walk into a wine merchant, and an average consumer would see $50 prices for many bottles of Cabernets, $20 to $50 prices for Chardonnays and even prices upwards of $60 for Merlots. And that's without considering the French wines.... For someone making about $40,000 a year, any one of those bottles could cost about 10% of a weekly take home pay -- a luxury that many people can afford only for the most special occasions. And if one can only consume wine on a special occassion, how does one view someone who can afford to consume wine for less-than-special occasions or in large gatherings? So, is wine a sign of elitism? The answer, unfortunately, is yes.

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